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The Entrepreneur! "Don't Give Up"

Writer's picture: Bernard SmallsBernard Smalls

When you were younger, what did you dream of doing or having?

Was it to live in a home that had a movie theater?

Or was it more career-driven, such as being a business person, an entrepreneur?

I'm a firm believer that it's never too late to see your dreams become a reality. No matter your age, it's essential that you don't give up on your dreams.

Whether you lack the motivation or think your time has run out, you still can live your best life if you don't give up on your dreams! The only way you fail, is when you give up. If it seems slow or tarries, wait patiently for it. Life is about seasons. You will reap your dream in due season if you patiently wait through the seasons. The key, NEVER QUIT!

Now here are some reason to never quit.

First affirm: "Wealth is my power base granted by God! I Am an entrepreneur." #IAM

8 Reasons why you should never give up your dreams

1. Your dreams are going to take time and that's ok

I really like Daymond John, the creator of FUBU. His dream was to have a successful clothing line, but it took a long time to get there. He was left with little money or time between operating a rideshare and working at Red Lobster.

But he knew that you should never give up on your dreams. He decided to operate a clothing business out of his mom's basement in New York at night. With no money for marketing, he worked with friends to strategically position FUBU.

After LL Cool J wore a FUBU hat in a GAP ad, his business took off. However, it took him several years of hard work to get to that point. If you accomplished your dreams overnight, they wouldn't mean as much as they would if they took time.

2. You CAN learn from failure

Never give up your dreams because you've failed. It's taken me a long time to admit this, especially to myself, but you CAN learn from failure. Failure allows you to learn from your mistakes and then take a different approach towards your dream. If you can't take it from Bernie Smalls, take it from our friend Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah became not only the youngest reporter in Nashville history but was also the first black female reporter to co-host a news program. She seemed well on her way to success, only to be fired. Oprah could have let this one experience define her career in television but decided to try a different route instead.

She signed on for AM Chicago, and the rest is now history. She is now a wealthy, billionaire entrepreneur. She is a prime example of why you don't give up on your dreams!

3. Don't give up on dreams because you think you're "too old"

You're mistaken if you think accomplishing your dreams has an expiration date. Many successful people do not reach the pinnacle of success until well after age 40. This is brought out in Think and Grow rich. Samuel L. Jackson is one of the most successful actors of all time now. But Mr. Jackson did not get his first role that wasn't more than five seconds until he was 41.

Vera Wang didn't pick up a sketch pad until age 40. And Jeff Bezos, one of the richest men of all time, did not start Amazon in his garage until age 31. The point is, never give up your dreams because dreams have no age limit.

4. Someone is waiting for you to share your gifts

Out there in the world, someone is waiting for you to share your extraordinary gifts. You're an individual, and you might not believe it, but there is no one in the world exactly like you. Someone out there needs your individual touch to help them move on to the next step in their journey.

It could be how you explain a concept, the way you listen, or just your presence, but people are waiting for you. Could you imagine if one of your mentors would have given up? I often think what if Peter J. Daniels the creator of Destiny of the Third Millennium had given up? The world simply wouldn't be the same! This is why you should never give up on your dreams either. So, find your passion and share it with the world!

5. Setting an example encourages others

One late college graduate said; "One of the best days of my life was walking across the stage at my college graduation to receive my bachelor's degree. I was almost 31 when I achieved this goal, but I knew I couldn't stop once I went back to school at age 29. I had to both work and go to school full time. There were some sleepless nights, lost relationships, and a lot of tears, but I knew I had a ton of eyes watching me like a hawk to see if they could do it too. See, I was coordinating a life skills program at a title one school, and I had over 50 students watching me the entire time. I wanted them to know that if I could do it, they could do it too. I'm happy to share that I'm still in touch with a lot of my previous students and continue to serve as a mentor."

6. Working towards your dreams can build healthy habits

A great example of how to not give up on your dreams is to observe athletes. Not only do they get up early to work out and train, but they also ensure they have a balanced diet and get enough sleep. Accomplishing their dreams takes the habit of self-discipline. Author James Clear says that habits are the "compound interest of self-development."

By building a set of healthy habits, you'll be in a place to accomplish your dreams. It may not be the act of working out every day, but it could be the habit of saving money or spending less time watching the news. Both of these habits can help create significant results later down the road.

7. Deciding that saying no to yourself is not an option

There are many times in life where you can and will want to say no to yourself. But when it comes to your dreams, saying no is not an option.

Please remember, someone out there is waiting for your talents, but the main person waiting for you to shine is, well, you. You are the number one person who will benefit from achieving your dreams, so why not say yes? Why not write that book or start that business?

You will be stuck with the "what if's" should you decide not to allow yourself to shine.

8. It's going to feel good to prove to yourself (and others) you got this

Many people over the years didn't believe in my vision or me. Some of them told me to my face in no uncertain terms. It often looked like they were right. It's hard to never give up your dreams if they are crashing all around you. I knew my calling even if others didn't, and my competitive nature was determined to make my dream a reality. By just staying with it, I achieved success.

So, take it from me, you should never give up your dreams!

Don't give up on your dreams because you can achieve them!

It doesn't matter how many times you fall down; it matters how many times you get back up. And focusing on your mindset can really help when it comes to picking yourself back up.

Will it be hard? Sure. Will it take time? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Emphatically YES! It's worth it. No matter how big your dreams are, you can do it! Enroll in our Destiny of the Third Millennium course now and learn how to live your dream! It takes courage to live your dream..

Remember that you should never give up on your dreams just because they have been delayed. Though it tarry, wait for it.

For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakuk 2:3 (ESV)

Be like the eagle and soar!




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